The Spirit of Prague

Ivan Klíma wrote the following in The Spirit of Prague – For me, the material and spiritual centre of this city is an almost 700-year-old stone bridge connecting the west with the east. The Charles Bridge is an emblem of the city's situation in Europe, the two halves of which have been seeking each other out at the very least since the bridge's foundations were laid. The West and the East.

Monday, December 30, 2013


So I haven't been writing much lately. You see, I went through this spell. It's called the horrible two's. I know, dog years and all, so then consider this... I was two and a teenager, all at the same time. Discipline was not my strong suit. I played. I goofed off. I gave attitude. I did what any good, decent, rebellious retriever would - I refused to bring the ball back.

I am uppity and yuppity and no longer a puppy, so less people stop and say hi to me. This, however, is their loss and not mine. I live in a townhome near the Arboretum. When I walk by French restaurants, the people working there run out to say hi. They know I'm a star.

And sure, due to my unique stumpy, I still stop traffic. Cars slow and people stare. Then a smile. I shrug it off and trot along. I can't make everyone's day. It's too huge a burden, even for me.

And hey, I got a prosthetic device. It took a bit to get used to (my dad's yelling at me right now, "That's an understatement!").  So, it took a lot to get used to... therapy, exercises, a new doctor who is a rehab specialist, lots of adjustments, and now I'm on Stage 2! Stage 2 is cool because it has Skulls & Crossbones. Bad. Ass.  So yeah, with this thing on, I'm stopping traffic regular. Check it out!

I get tired even thinking about it all, so it's Trip...and I'm out. 

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